Please browse our gallery for artwork and photographs from across the wildlife area over the years.
All thumbnails open an album page and you may then browse the full size versions via the gallery viewer. If you have any artwork or photos you would like to feature here please contact us!
We are delighted that local artist Nic Flemming has contributed our first Artwork. He introduces himself as follows:
"I am a local resident of Fox Corner and regularly visit the Wildlife Area for relaxation,
fresh air and varied views, as well as observing the wildlife of all sorts. As I use a
wheelchair I find the hard-surfaced paths very convenient.
This picture of the pond is done using black Indian ink, partly painted with a fine water
colour brush, and partly done with a stylus fountain-pen. No white ink is used. The technique
has evolved over many years of travel because paper and ink can bought anywhere quite easily,
if I decide that I want to make a painting on the spur of the moment. Sometimes I apply water
colours over an ink drawing.
This painting was made in mid-winter. The stark black-and-white of the bare trees against
the sky suggested the focus and the style to me. I took several photographs and did the
painting sitting at home at my desk.
Nic Flemming"
We are also pleased to provide here a link to the Roy John Photography website where a vast range of wildlife photograps can be seen, some captured at Fox Corner.
We are further pleased to present a gallery of photographs provided by local photographer Peter Bowles. Some fabulous images from the wildlife area are provided below.