The opening of the new Winter Bridge
took place at 11.30 am on Monday, 27th August 2018.
The bridge was opened on August Bank Holiday Monday 2018 at a ceremony on the wildlife area after just a year of fundraising.
A tour through the site to the bridge via the spinal path, pond and boardwalk was followed by an introduction by Catherine Cobley, Chairman, FCCWAA and response and cutting of the ribbon by Helen Myers. The opening ceremony drew a lot of people from the Fox Corner community and, after photographs, the tour continued by crossing the new bridge to the woodland area and then on to the Annual Barbecue at the Fox Inn.
Why 'Winter Bridge'? For details of the how the bridge came about, both the original and this successor, click here
Two members of Butterfly Conservation in Surrey visited the site recently and were pleased and
excited to discover eggs of the Brown Hairstreak butterfly on a Blackthorn thicket.
The Brown Hairstreak is a UK BAP High Priority Species and a High Priority species for Butterfly Conservation -
click here for more information.
We should look out for adult butterflies in late July and August.
This year's AGM was held on 18th April in the meeting room at St Michael and All Angels
Church, Pirbright and was followed by an informative talk by Mike Grimshaw on Birds and Wetlands. Mike is the former chairman of Farnham
RSPB. To read a copy of the Chairman's Report click here for the on-line version.
The newsletter has been circulated to members and residents during February. Click here for the on-line version.
The Wildlife Area is an ideal place for families to visit and have picnics. Running a wildlife area inevitably involves a delicate balance of priorities - protecting and encouraging wildlife and also providing an area which gives pleasure to visitors and residents alike. Most of these are reflected in our Fox Corner Country Code.
Dogs are a particular issue. If uncontrolled, they can alarm wildlife, disturb nests and leave unwelcome excrement anywhere on the site. Groups of children are encouraged to visit to enjoy pond-dipping and mini-beast hunts. For their sake, it is vital that they do not come into contact with the results of dog-fouling. At one stage, we felt that it would be a good idea to ban dogs altogether but after representations from local people, agreed that they could be allowed but strictly only on leads.
We respectfully, but firmly, ask you to abide by this particular rule.